The League of Conservation Voters just released their annual scorecard. I earned a score of 96% for my legislative record on climate issues. I could not be more proud of this recognition of my long record fighting for solutions to climate change.

If we are going to fight climate change we have to face reality and tackle the problem head on.

Climate change is real, and climate change is man-made. We can only survive the worst effects of climate change if we change our own behavior. We must act now to save our planet.

We need:

✅ A greener economy.

✅ A commitment to clean air and clean water.

✅ A transition to renewable energy.

I am committed to fight for these solutions and more. Chip in $6 today to join me in the fight against climate change.

We have already seen the devastating impacts of climate change, as thousands of people die each year from climate-related disasters. Just last summer, hundreds of our neighbors in the Pacific Northwest lost their lives during the record-shattering heat wave.

And earlier this year we witnessed devastating floods in Whatcom County that will take years to recover from.

What we as a nation do (or worse, don't do), will impact life on Earth. And not in some distant future. Now. Our nation's leaders need to find the courage to act. Donate $6 now to show your courage to act on climate change.


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