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In the Test Kitchen: Grantmaking insights to chew on

Stupski Foundation’s Gwyneth Tripp shares how her organization is using the Center for Effective Philanthropy’s Grantee Perception Report to fine tune their recipes for collaborating with nonprofit partners to build stronger, more trusting relationships.
The 8 PEAK2022 Online keynotes are featured side by side.

PEAK2022 Online

See Our All-Star Lineup of Keynote Speakers

Join us at PEAK2022 Online for three don’t-miss keynotes. Opening our program are Vu Le and Amoretta Morris in conversation on operationalizing equity. Midweek, Aiko Bethea and Megan Reitz discuss advocating for psychological safety. For a powerhouse wrap to the week, PEAK’s Satonya Fair leads a conversation with Susan Taylor Batten, Carmen Rojas, and Sherece West-Scantlebury on how their own emergent learning journeys are narrowing power gaps within the sector.


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March 9
The Intersection of Strategy, Values, and Practice
(PEAK Pacific Northwest)

March 10
Salem Monthly Coffee Hour
(PEAK Pacific Northwest)

March 11
Coffee Hour (PEAK New England)

March 17
Monthly Coffee Hour
(PEAK Pacific Northwest)

March 21
PEAK2022 Online

April 5
Power, Influence, and Change Management
(PEAK Pacific Northwest)

April 19
PEAK2022 Online Aha Moments
(PEAK Rocky Mountain)

April 21
Monthly Coffee Hour
(PEAK Pacific Northwest)


Weekly Reads

“We must fund nonprofit partners so they have the space and time to learn and reflect, too. In a time of misinformation, it is even more important that social justice organizations of all sizes and missions are supported in movement building, political education, and learning activities. We can learn alongside our grantee partners when we create containers safe enough for hard truths to be shared and their lessons to be excavated.” [more]
Amoretta Morris, Borealis Philanthropy

“Building power is essential if we want to see change. Donors and foundations help communities build power by funding advocacy, community organizing and movement building, and by providing multi-year general operating support.” [more]
Aaron Dorfman, National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy

“As our colleagues at PEAK grantmaking noted in their hot-off-the press suite of resources, Driving Equity With Demographic Data Collection: ‘While many funders are exploring demographics to substantiate their claims with respect to advancing equity, others are recognizing what social, political, and biological scientists have known for decades: demographics matter for impact. The more funders know about who is—and who is not—reached by their initiatives, the more insight funders have about intentional and unintentional impacts.’ Yet, most foundation leaders in our recent study said that their foundation does not currently collect demographic data from grantees, and, relatedly, just over half say that they do not have an approach for determining whether an organization is led by the people from the community it serves.” [more]
Katarina Malmgren and Naomi Orensten, Center for Effective Philanthropy

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