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The past weekend, we held our 2022 Congress of Counties—an event like no other that keeps us the dominant force in Indiana politics.
Over 400 Hoosier Republicans took part in this two-day training and networking conference and heard from top insiders on topics like campaign fundraising and grassroots tactics that are going to give us the edge up at all levels come this November.
One thing is clear: Hoosier Republicans are fired up and ready to do their part to keep Indiana DARK RED.
If you weren’t able to make it, but still want to be a vital part of our efforts, we can still use your help.
John, will you consider chipping in to help us fully fund our 2022 grassroots efforts?
CHIP IN $5 >>
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CHIP IN $50 >>
Every dollar helps us reach more voters and spread our message further and further to elect Republicans to office who will always put Hoosiers first.
Kyle Hupfer, Chairman
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Indiana Republican State Committee, Inc.
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Indianapolis, IN 46204

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