Restoring equality before the law—what the TJ victory means for education


In a ground-breaking decision, a federal judge ruled that Fairfax County, Virginia school officials violated the law by changing admissions requirements at Thomas Jefferson High School (TJ), the nation’s top public school.

While there is still a lot of work to be done, writes Brittany Hunter, equal protection in education is headed in the right direction.

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Orange County Register: Want due process? Don’t look to the California Coastal Commission



At 76 years old and now confined to a wheelchair, David Tibbitts has long dreamed of a much-deserved retirement in a home along the California coast.

But John Kerkhoff explains how the California Coastal Commission has turned that dream into a nightmare.

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The Boston Globe: Should Massachusetts lawmakers expand public access to beaches?


With just one word, the Massachusetts Legislature might upend almost 400 years of stable property rights along the state’s coastline.

Chris Kieser urges lawmakers to think twice before going down this perilous road.

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Digital nomads beware—living in Airbnbs can mean waiving your Fourth Amendment rights


A growing trend emerged among white-collar workers during the pandemic. They became “digital nomads,” ditching permanent homes to live and work from a series of short-term rentals in different cities.

As carefree and flexible as this lifestyle may be, Daniel Woislaw warns that in some cities, life as a digital nomad could mean surprise police searches—without a warrant.

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