John —

Here's the truth: Unless we start laying the groundwork today, there's a real possibility Republicans will retake the Senate and undo all of our hard-fought progress.

It'll take all of us to defend our razor-thin Senate majority. So as we take our next steps, it's important we gather your feedback.

Will you take a minute and complete our March Priorities Survey? We need 202 responses from 19125 before midnight tonight:


Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans know the stakes as well as we do. That’s why they’re willing to spend millions of dollars to attack our Democratic incumbents like Mark Kelly and Raphael Warnock. And with the latest polls neck-and-neck, we can’t take anything for granted.

We’re building a grassroots strategy for November — one that can turn out voters in zip codes across the country. But we can’t do it without your input.

Click here to take our March Priorities Survey now:



Defend the Senate