It’s important for me to hear from the people of SC. You’ve been selected to take part in a campaign survey on minimum wage → I hope you will take a minute to fill it out.

Dear Friend

Here in South Carolina, our minimum wage hasn’t gone up since 2008 and still sits at $7.25 an hour. Anybody who thinks $7.25 an hour is a living wage is clearly out of touch with the realities South Carolina families face every day. They haven’t had to sit at the kitchen table and wonder how they’re going to pay for their kids to go to college, afford this month’s groceries, keep the lights on, save for retirement, or even pay for the gas that will get them to work.

As a single mom, I raised my boys on my own. It wasn’t always easy. I know the struggles that come with caring for a family are only magnified in times like these. In South Carolina, 2/3rds of women are single or co-breadwinners for their families. There’s no doubt that raising the minimum wage raises South Carolina families.

Raising the minimum wage is the single biggest lever we can pull to elevate the income floor for people who are paid the least, reduce poverty (especially for families and children), and restore dignity for South Carolina workers. But I’m the only candidate in this race, Democrat or Republican, who supports raising the minimum wage to at least $15 an hour.

It’s past time we take steps to support South Carolina workers by raising the minimum wage, and I’m excited to have you on board.

With gratitude,


About Senator Mia McLeod:  

Senator Mia McLeod is a working mom, small business owner, and seventh-generation South Carolinian from Bennettsville, South Carolina. She is a former State Representative, current State Senator representing District 22, and is running as a Democratic candidate for Governor.