I'm about to turn in for the night, but I wanted to check in with you first.
Hickenlooper for Colorado |

We’re coming up short on our $100,000 fundraising goal for tomorrow night’s deadline. Can you chip in now to make sure we’re keeping pace with Cory Gardner’s fundraising haul last week?



I’m about to turn in for the night, but I wanted to check in with you first.

Here’s the scoop: We’ve set a goal of raising $100,000 by tomorrow night to stay on track with the other side’s fundraising—and my team tells me we’re just about $41,380 from that goal. So I have to ask: Can you chip in before the night is over?

Mitch McConnell’s fundraising machine is hard at work trying to hold on to this seat because Cory Gardner is such a reliable rubber stamp for Trump and the Republican Senate agenda. Donald Trump himself pitched in to raise over $100,000 online for Gardner just a couple of weeks ago.

That’s why we set this grassroots goal. It might seem steep, but if each one of us steps up to do our part, we can close the fundraising gap. Can you chip in before you go to bed?

Thank you,










Paid for by Hickenlooper for Colorado

P.O. Box 18886, Denver, CO 80218

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