Big news:

Folks — we did it!

Here in New Mexico, access to our rivers and streams is a core part of our birthright and our heritage — so much so that it’s in our state constitution.

That’s why it’s such big news that the New Mexico Supreme Court just reaffirmed that our public waters belong to the public.

This never should have been a question. But back in 2017, under the previous Republican administration, the New Mexico Game Commission passed a loophole that allowed wealthy landowners to bar the public from waters on their property if they are non-navigable — knowing full well that would eliminate all or most of the waters in New Mexico.

Since then, so many of you have spoken out and supported my work to make sure wealthy landowners cannot keep the streams, rivers, and watercourses that run through their properties to themselves. I’ve filed an amicus brief before the New Mexico Supreme Court, urged the State Game Commission to deny every landowner application to block public access back in August, and never let anyone get in the way of my work to make sure public waters remain public.

Now, wealthy landowners can’t get in the way of folks who simply want to enjoy our state’s wonderful waters, whether they would prefer to fish, boat, or just wade through.

This was a years-long battle and it never would have happened without our collective activism. We’ve worked hard to get to this moment — and it’s been worth every effort.

Thank you.

— Martin




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Martin Heinrich for Senate
PO Box 25763
Albuquerque, NM 87125
United States