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Did you miss our 2022 Congress of Counties this past weekend? If so, there’s still plenty you can do to help keep Indiana DARK RED in 2022.
We are always looking for grassroots activists and volunteers to help us reach more voters and spread our message further and further.
Our statewide team and multiple campaigns are in need of volunteers to help ensure that we reelect our Hoosier Marine Senator Todd Young and the rest of our Republican Congressional Delegation so that we can reestablish a conservative majority in the Senate and take back the House this November.  
John, will you please sign up to volunteer now? Even if you only have an hour or two to spare, we could use your help.
Our unmatched ground game has helped lead Hoosiers to victory election after election, and we don’t plan on 2022 being any different.
Let’s keep Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi out of Indiana! Sign up to volunteer and help our Hoosier Republicans.
Thanks for your help,
Matt Huckleby, Executive Director
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