CBS News’ interviews with individuals within the porn industry underscored how the harmful effects of pornography on children and teens are currently poised to grow in both reach and depravity.
Harmony Grillo: "The path that leads a woman to the sex industry varies from person to person. But, what I have found in the 15 years I have been working with women in the sex industry and victims of sexual exploitation is that the series of choices (or lack thereof), that lead a person into these situations is often an interplay of vulnerability and environmental factors."
Online child safety is being sacrificed for profit by large tech companies consumed with their own bottom lines and current legislative policies are powerless to offer children and families viable protection from those companies and their products.
In retaliation for effectively whistleblowing the negative effects of compulsive Internet porn use, the pornography industry and its allies are on a mission to defame, deplatform, and destroy NoFap and its founder Alexander Rhodes.