John, True power comes from building long-term relationships and making a meaningful difference in people’s lives. The Democratic Party is not just a political organization fighting to win the next election. It’s a community organization addressing people's everyday needs.


True power comes from building long-term relationships and making a meaningful difference in people’s lives.

The Democratic Party is not just a political organization fighting to win the next election. It’s a community organization addressing people's everyday needs.

One example is our Democrats Care initiative, which provides an opportunity for our Party to act on our ideals and work to make a difference beyond the ballot, starting at the local level. Here are some photos from our statewide service day this past weekend:

Making cards for seniors in local nursing homes. DFL Rep. Angie Craig helped!

Collecting donations for the food pantries at the three colleges in Moorhead: Concordia, MSUM, and MN State.


DFLers formed a team for Pedal Past Poverty, a stationary bike race that supports individuals and families experiencing homelessness and temporary housing crises. They raised over $1,300!

Real leadership is rooted in public service. Through service projects around the country and fighting for our values at the ballot box, our Party is delivering for Minnesotans.

John, we’re making a difference every day, but none of our work is possible without your grassroots support. If you can, make a contribution that works for you today to sustain our work.

Thank you,

Heidi Kraus Kaplan
Executive Director
Minnesota DFL


DFL Victory Club

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Your monthly sustaining contribution will help us fight for fair maps during 2022 redistricting, re-elect Governor Walz and Lieutenant Governor Flanagan in 2022, and turn our Minnesota legislature from purple to solid blue.