NBC: GOP Reps. Greene, Boebert heckle Biden throughout State of the Union address

Team, I'll get straight to the point: On Tuesday, my opponent, Marjorie Taylor Greene, made a further embarrassment of herself by heckling the President throughout his speech including when he was talking about the tragic death of his son Beau Biden.

But here’s the silver lining in all of this: Marjorie Taylor Greene will not be able to heckle President Biden at the next State of the Union, because I will have taken her job.

The people of Georgia are sick and tired of being embarrassed by Marjorie Taylor Greene - and now it’s up to us to flip this seat into Democratic hands.

Marjorie Taylor Greene is a bully - and it’s time we stand up to her. Will you split a donation between my campaign and Seth Moulton to help us stand up to the radical right?


It's time to stand up for decency and democracy and DEFEAT Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Please, split a donation today between my campaign and Seth Moulton to make sure that was her LAST State of the Union.

Talk soon,

Marcus Flowers
