We have some ground to cover to reach our $20,000 Amplify Austin goal. And the clock continues to tick.
As a supporter and friend of TFN, we invite you to join us and use the collective power of generosity to protect the rights of all Texans and show the strength of our movement.
Your tax-deductible gift to TFN, keeps us on the front lines — organizing activists, engaging voters, and defending progressive values.

2022 is already proving to be an affront to the rights of many Texans, from the cruel attacks to transgender children and their families to full-out voter suppression — but we will continue to persevere, as long as we're in this together.
Don't miss your chance to participate in this limited-time opportunity. Make your tax-deductible gift right now at tfn.org/amplify before today’s 6 p.m. deadline.
The work that we do at TFN is made possible with the support of incredible people like you. John, it’s your generosity and activism that makes our community stronger.
Thank you for amplifying TFN today and every day. Together we will change Texas.
With gratitude,

Val Benavidez
TFN President
P.S. Amplify Austin is Austin’s city-wide day of giving — but you don’t have to live here to fight for social justice with the Texas Freedom Network Education Fund. Please consider making a gift to TFN from wherever you may be.