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How the U.S. Can
Better Compete Globally on R&D


On Thursday, March 3 at 11am ET, the Innovation Frontier Project at the Progressive Policy Institute will host a virtual panel discussion for policymakers, staffers, and journalists titled “How the U.S. can better compete globally on R&D”.

Between the pandemic, supply chain snarls, and an increased economic competition with China, there is a growing recognition of the role that R&D plays in solving today’s pressing issues and building tomorrow’s economy. To address these concerns, the U.S. Innovation and Competition Act passed by the Senate in 2021 and the America COMPETES Act passed this year by the House include provisions to increase advanced manufacturing, initiatives for STEM education and workforce development, and measures to improve the resilience of supply chains.

The Innovation Frontier Project has assembled a panel of leading experts who have recently published papers on how reforms to government procurement could boost R&D spending by U.S. corporations and how the U.S. manufacturing can focus on complex goods to better compete globally. The panelists will discuss how the U.S. can better compete with China on R&D and how proposed legislation can accomplish that goal.

Michael Mandel, Vice President and Chief Economist, Progressive Policy Institute (moderator)
Ashish Arora, Rex D. Adams Professor of Business Administration, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University
Sharon Belenzon, Professor, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University
Keith Belton, Senior Director of Policy Analysis, American Chemistry Council

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