Malawi banks on young tech innovators to trump cheap imports

Malawian engineers and entrepreneurs say competition from China and Japan and a lack of resources are hobbling the country's tech industry

EXPLAINER: Ukraine war: How will economic sanctions hit ordinary Russians?

Western reprisals for Russia's invasion of Ukraine could trigger inflation, shortages of imported goods and limit people's travel options

Can the tide of plastic pollution be turned by a new global pact?

With plastic waste increasing fast and polluting the world’s oceans, U.N. talks aimed at tackling the problem have agreed to launch work on a global pact to stem it - but will it help?

'Biggest green deal since Paris': UN agrees plastic treaty roadmap

After more than a week of talks in Nairobi, UN member states have agreed to create the first ever legally binding global plastic pollution treaty


OPINION: Here’s how Italy could wean itself off Russian gas

A rush to end use of Russian gas, after the country’s invasion of Ukraine, could be the spark toward renewables Italy needs

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