Today’s the deadline to hit our $550,000 goal, friend -- and as you can see, we’ve still got a ways to go.

Can you make a donation right now to help us hit our target by tonight? Anything you can give puts us one step closer.

We’re less than three months away from Iowa caucus-goers making their voices heard in this primary, and right now Cory has not yet qualified for the December debate. We’ve got to hit every goal we set from here on out, but this one is about making sure we execute a plan to meet the DNC debate stage thresholds.

For an underdog candidate like Cory up against well-funded frontrunners and self-funding billionaires with “unlimited” budgets, that won’t be as easy as it sounds. The Boss made it very clear from the jump: We’re not accepting money from corporate PACs, federal lobbyists, or big oil and pharma executives.

That’s why we send you emails like this one, because we can’t do this without you. Cory is relying on you to help build this campaign and make sure as many people as possible hear our message.

So what do you say: Can we count on you to chip in for the first time to meet our Ground Game Fund goal tonight?

Booker HQ


Paid for by Cory 2020

P.O. Box 32009 Newark, NJ 07102 | All content © 2019 Cory 2020, All Rights Reserved.

Contributions or gifts to Cory 2020 are not tax deductible.

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It’s time for leadership that can reignite our spirit of common purpose. That takes all of us. We believe these emails are an important way to stay in touch, but if at any point you’d like to stop getting these updates, you can unsubscribe here.

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