North Carolina Republican Party

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Impeachment hearings began this week, and Democrats are privately worried about the effects of the hearings long-term. Governor, Roy Cooper, added to his total this week: 42. That's more than all his predecessors combined. A few big events coming up this week with Rep. Devin Nunes this Saturday and Corey Lewandowski in Johnston County on Tuesday and in Raleigh on Wednesday. If you haven't purchased your Trump wrapping paper, don't miss out on your opportunity to get a few rolls. With the impeachment taking up most of the air this week, check out the stories you may have missed this week.

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Let's start with international news. We all remember the history of Jewish people being forced to wear a yellow Star of David on their clothing. Take a wild guess what the European Court just ruled. The Jerusalem Post

Lost in all the policy talk among Democrats running for president are their education policies. School choice is enormously popular among African-American and Hispanic communities. As Republicans, we should be making a concerted effort to win over every demographic, especially minority communities, on the topic of educational freedom and parental control. New York Daily News

Sen. Elizabeth Warren is the closest Democrat to overtaking Joe Biden as the front runner for the nomination, if she already hasn't done so. She's built a reputation is having a plan for everything, but she's a con-woman and her most ambitious con yet is Medicare For All. Washington Examiner

Speaking of Warren, she said that she would consider a deportation freeze during her stop in Raleigh last week. That not only spits in the faces of legal immigrants already here and the thousands waiting in line, but the result of the policy is de facto open borders. The Washington Free Beacon


This is a crazy story you're simply going to have to read to believe. The Charlotte Observer

Cooper's Medicaid Expansion ultimatum over the budget is starting to have an impact, and I don't mean on the teachers going without raises or the schools going without funding; I mean the state itself. Read on. Winston-Salem Journal

This is an interesting case. Some may be familiar with the Leandro case, which requires the state provide an adequate education to students. The case is more than 20 years old, and there could be constitutional concerns regarding the lawsuit. Carolina Journal

This was posted on the NCGOP FB page, but it deserves a spot here too. Sanctuary sheriffs in Meck and Wake have been putting public safety at risk with their refusal to participate in the 287(g) program. It could've been stopped but Cooper vetoed HB370 although Senator Tillis is working on federal legislation. This is an article you'll want to read. National Review



Obviously, the impeachment proceedings are sucking up all the air. However, the House did pass a bill to revamp the Export-Import Bank that is DOA in the Senate because it's opposed by the GOP and the White House. They did pass four bills in an overwhelming bipartisan vote meant to address veterans: the SERV Act, the Service-Disabled Veterans Small Business Continuation Act, the Veteran Entrepreneurship Training Act, the Deborah Sampson Act, and the GI Bill Planning Act.

Bad Bill Of The Week: Haven't done this in a while, but had to given that NC's own awful Rep. Alma Adams is part of the bill. Senator Tim Scott has championed the Opportunity Zone investment program that's aimed at low-income minority communities, and Democrats are trying to gut the program. Seriously. The Hill


Both chambers were back in session this week to work on redistricting and to pass a couple more end-of-session bills. They passed disaster relief funding that Cooper has threatened to veto and more oversight of NCDOT after they went more than $2 billion over budget. An interesting report was released the State Auditor that revealed the NCAE's membership was just a little over 5000 teachers, meaning they (and Governor Cooper) are holding up pay raises for 90,000 others. As for redistricting, the NCGA passed this map out, which means it'll probably get reviewed by the Court of Appeals panel that put in the preliminary injunction a couple weeks ago. The State Supreme Court denied an appeal of the legislative maps, which means those are most likely in place for the 2020 elections. As it sits right now, filing and primaries will take place as scheduled.


Want to be a part of the massive grassroots army to help keep NC red in 2020? Sign up for future Trump Victory program trainings here: Trump Victory Leadership Initiative

On November 16th, join Congressman George Holding and Chairman Whatley as they welcome one of Trump's most steadfast defends: Rep. Devin Nunes of California. Find RSVP details here: Come Meet Rep. Devin Nunes

On November 16th, join the Yancey County GOP for a Thanksgiving Potluck! Details are here: Thanksgiving Potluck Lunch

The Hoke County GOP is hosting a massive event on November 17th, the 2020 Red, White, And Bluegrass BBQ! More info: Hoke County GOP Red, White, And Bluegrass BBQ

On November 19th, the Johnston County GOP is hosting their "Let Trump Be Trump" event featuring 2016 Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski! Get your tickets here: Let Trump Be Trump

On November 20th, the Wake County GOP is having their Reagan Day Dinner also featuring Lewandowski. Info is here: Wake County GOP Reagan Day Dinner

The Guilford County GOP is hosting a Council of State candidate forum on November 21st! Details are here: Guilford County GOP Council of State Candidate Forum

December 7th is the NCGOP Hall of Fame Dinner! Award applications and tickets are available here: 2019 Hall of Fame Dinner

Make sure to visit the NCGOP Events page to see more events than what's listed there.


Stay warm this weekend!

Jeff Hauser


North Carolina Republican Party · 1506 HIllsborough St, Raleigh, NC 27605, United States
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