From Team re:power <[email protected]>
Subject APPLICATIONS CLOSE TONIGHT re:power Grassroots Organizing — Storytelling Academy
Date March 2, 2022 11:30 PM
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Hi John,

Have you applied for our Grassroots Organizing - Storytelling Academy? [[link removed]]

This course is perfect for organizers, campaigners, communicators and those who are just generally interested in the craft of storytelling.

Once you check it out [[link removed]] (and apply), feel free to share the course link with your networks!

LEARN MORE [[link removed]]


DATES: March 9 – March 30
Wednesdays, 6 – 8 pm ET


COST: $200–600*

Ideal applicants come from all walks of life—we welcome everyone from activists looking to deepen their skills, to complete beginners who are passionate about organizing. Here are some attributes shared by all our applicants:

Relational : We are interested in people who are curious and committed to working in collaboration with others. If you are interested in building power with your community, or in investigating innovative ways of bringing people together for social change, then you may be a good fit.

Organizing Insight: You don’t need to be a professional organizer but we’re looking for applicants with some experience doing organizing and/or community-building work on the ground. That work can be tied to grassroots, electoral, and/or issue organizing. We seek to support people who are currently part of an organizing/community-building effort or are seeking to develop one.

Dedication to Inclusive Politics and Intersectional Solutions: At re:power Fund, we center race, class, gender and sexuality across all our trainings—it’s part of our practice of inclusive politics. We encourage organizers to be open to new ideas regarding inclusive politics, especially from their fellow organizers who will reflect our diverse communities.

APPLY TODAY [[link removed]]

*We believe people with more wealth, privilege, and access to money—and who benefit from systems of oppression—should pay more.

If you work at an organization with more than 60 employees, please ask your employer to cover the full cost of this training. If there’s anything that would help you make the request, please let us know.

We know that this might be a new way of looking at things. Please reach out to [email protected] [[email protected]?subject=June%202021%20Data%20Training] if you have any questions.

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This email was sent by re:power [[link removed]] , a women of color-led team of organizers, strategists, and technologists dedicated to building transformative political power. Our work is tied to the belief that by partnering with individuals, organizations, and coalitions across the country, we can uncover leaders within communities to create radical change.

If you believe you received this message in error or wish to no longer receive email from us, please unsubscribe: [link removed] .

INVEST IN THE MOVEMENT [[link removed]]

2639 Nicollet Avenue Ste 220
Minneapolis, MN 55408
United States
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  • Sender: re:power
  • Political Party: n/a
  • Country: United States
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    • EveryAction