Last night, in his State of the Union speech, Joe Biden outlined a laundry list of failures, crises, and
disasters that plagued our country during his first year in office. Between coughing and stammering, Biden could barely form a single coherent
sentence. We managed to hear him say, “I am a capitalist,” before going on about a laundry list of government programs and mandates that
are supposed to make our lives better. Americans recognize that
Biden’s policies have failed them, and his speech last night made it abundantly clear to them that they were wrong to put any faith in the
Democrat Party. The voter enthusiasm we saw in the Texas
Republican Primary makes it even more evident that Texans are officially over Biden’s train wreck of a presidency.
Republicans made massive gains in border communities where voters are fed up with
Biden’s refusal to secure our border, in urban areas where voters see crime spiking due to Democrats’ push to defund the police, and in
rural regions where Biden’s betrayal of American energy independence has caused skyrocketing gas prices, cost thousands of good-paying jobs, and
led to rising unemployment. In 207 out of 254 Texas counties, we saw a 100% or greater increase in Republican
votes compared to the 2018 election! |
According to the latest poll from Quinnipiac, just 37% of Americans approve of Joe Biden while 56%, a clear majority, disapprove. Most of the country agrees that he’s failed as president, and polls
indicate that his favorability will continue to tank in the coming months.
Biden’s poor policymaking has harmed the U.S. economy, created a historic border invasion on our southern border, led to more COVID deaths last
year than in all of 2020, and racked up geopolitical failures in countries like China, Russia, and Afghanistan. As a result, Americans are
WORSE off under this Administration than ever before! The
Democrats have failed to deliver on their promises of bringing our country together. Instead, they continue to divide with extreme issues like
Critical Race Theory, cancel culture, and open borders. Please help us keep up the momentum by chipping
in $10, $25, $50, or more to defeat the Democrats in November and keep Texas RED! |
Regardless of what Biden reads off the teleprompter, Texans can see through his lies and know the truth – it’s time
to put Sleepy Joe to bed and elect bold, conservative leaders who will put Texas, and America, first.
Saving America, Texas
Republicans |
Paid for and Authorized by the
Republican Party of Texas P.O. Box 2206, Austin, TX 78768 |