From Team McGarvey <>
Subject Are you ready to grow our coalition? 💪
Date March 2, 2022 11:15 PM
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Big news —

Morgan was just endorsed by the National Education Association (NEA), our nation’s largest labor union!

NEA recognized what our Louisville teachers’ union did: that Morgan has a strong, consistent record of supporting educators – from fighting for teachers’ pensions and universal pre-K, to putting more board-certified teachers in classrooms, to making college cheaper at Louisville’s Historically Black College.

This only adds to the list of labor organizations that have come out to support Morgan’s campaign for Congress.

These labor groups have seen Morgan stand shoulder to shoulder with workers and fight for labor protections and union rights as Democratic Leader in the state senate -- so they’re standing with his campaign to fight for Kentucky’s working families in Congress.

Team, we’re putting the ball in your court now.

Labor unions across the district are throwing their weight behind Morgan. Will you stand side-by-side with them and be one of the 500 supporters we need to officially endorse Morgan?

Endorse Morgan → [[link removed]]

Thanks for helping us grow our grassroots coalition.


Team Morgan McGarvey

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