Hi John,
If you have a heart for children like I do, then you’ve probably noticed all the ways they’re hurting.
Divorce tears families apart.
Same-sex couples deprive kids of the opportunity to be raised by a mother and a father.
Donor-conceived kids long to know their biological parents.
Vulnerable children have no voice in the face of these sweeping cultural changes. But we can change that.
Want to learn what you can do?
Stream this talk called Them Before Us: Why We Need a Global Children’s Rights Movement.
You’ll hear from Katy Faust, Founder and Director of Them Before Us.
She’ll present sound research and compelling stories that affirm why children should be raised by both their mother and father. You’ll also learn how same-sex parenting, reproductive technologies, and more affect kids. Shifting the conversation from adults to children will reframe every marriage and family conversation across the globe.
When you stream this talk on March 15, you’ll also be able to ask the speaker questions in an open forum!
To register, or to learn more, visit FocusOnTheFamily.com/lighthouse!
May God bless you and your family,

Jim Daly
Focus on the Family