The Swamp is taking advantage of conflict in Ukraine to push their agenda.
Laura Loomer for Congress


don't let the swamp push their agenda The Swamp is taking advantage of conflict in Ukraine to push their agenda.

My RINO opponent, Do-Nothing Dan Webster, reacted by jumping on the bandwagon and co-sponsored legislation last week to bolster America’s energy independence – which is ABSOLUTELY needed but not related to Ukraine.

However, it is directly related to Joe Biden shutting down the KeystoneXL Pipeline.

Russia exports only 10% of the world’s crude oil, and the vast majority of that is piped to Europe and China. Only 3% of American oil imports come from Russia.  But if you're watching the Fake News Media and listening to Establishment politicians drone on about Russia, you would think that all of our oil comes from Russia.

What they aren't talking about, and what will be DRAMATICALLY affected by Russian aggression against Ukraine is our food supply. Since 2018, Russia has been the leading global exporter of wheat. Ukraine is the fifth largest exporter of wheat!

With inflation and food prices already skyrocketing, the Biden Regime has no solution to the disaster that is headed our way – and RINO’s in Congress are too busy jockeying for attention that they don’t take the time to research all of the real threats related to this conflict.

Help me replace Do-Nothing Dan by backing my campaign today.

If you think grocery shelves are bare now, give it a month and look for the Biden Bread Lines.

Washington is devoid of leadership, and in the case of my RINO opponent, Dan Webster is rarely ever present to vote. His recent flurry of legislative activity is ONLY because I’ve been breathing down his neck, calling him out for his historic absenteeism – and when I get to Congress, I’ll be breathing down the necks of all “Do-Nothing” members of Congress.

All I need is for you to help me get there.

Early voting for my Republican Primary where I face Do-Nothing Dan begins in just FOUR months.

I need every dime raised and committed before then, so March will be the most important fundraising month I have – and the last month of the first quarter of 2022!

I have to raise $108,000 this month to stay on track and win.

Please help me kick off the month strong by pitching in as generously as you can by donating here.

Thank you for all that you do.


Laura Loomer


Paid for by Laura Loomer for Congress Inc
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Laura Loomer for Congress Inc
720 Lucerne Ave, #1465
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