I just wanted to say thank you, folks.

Thanks to you, we reached our end-of-month fundraising goal and are kicking off March in a strong position. As we work to defend Democrats’ razor-thin majority in the Senate, your support makes a big difference — I’m very grateful.

On that note, I also wanted to share a quick update on my work in the Senate, specifically a bill that my colleague Senator Kelly and I just introduced: the Transparency in Congress Resolution of 2022.

The name says it all. This legislation would require members of Congress to disclose their in-person and virtual meetings, publishing their schedules online.

As the first Senator to make my schedule available to the public, this is very important to me — and frankly, it should be to all of us. The folks we represent deserve to know what their elected officials are doing, and that includes who we’re meeting with. This is about transparency and remaining accountable to the people we serve — not the special interests.

If you agree that passing this legislation and holding our government accountable to the people it is supposed to serve is important, I hope you’ll sign on to show your support for our Transparency in Congress Resolution of 2022.


Again, thanks for everything, folks. It’s thanks to supporters like you that we’re able to keep pushing for meaningful progress like this.

— Jon