Hey there - quick reminder that young people should sign up for this by tonight! After we reach 100 signups, all others will still be getting the digital toolkit, but won't receive the stickers and t-shirts to give away.
Looking forward to your applications!
I can see it now - birth control pills on the shelves at my local CVS. I was just there, actually. I needed to buy cold medicine and a few things to prepare for winter. As I walked the aisles looking for where they hid lip balm, I passed vitamins and allergy meds, tampons and protein shakes, condoms and Plan B. And I thought, what would it look like if birth control pills were on the shelf, available without a prescription, no age restrictions?
Well, we’re going to make it happen. First online, and then for real. That’s right, we need 100 young people to sign up here to join our digital campaign where we’re going to help people imagine this future. Sign up, and I’ll send you:
- A guide on how to run a successful digital campaign THIS SEMESTER - we're excited to flood social media feeds with images of what it would look like if birth control pills were available on the shelves at CVS, Walgreens, RiteAid and more. But we need YOU to help us do that!
- Stickers to give out if you host an event telling people about our #FreeThePill campaign
- Two t-shirts for organizers - plus one more to be used as a giveaway item
Young people are tired of jumping through hoops to get the contraception they need, and they’re tired of not being trusted to make their own healthcare decisions. So we're going to lead this fight for change, and we're going to win!
Join us here.
In solidarity,
Becca Thimmesch
Project Associate, Adolescent Sexual Health Services
Advocates for Youth
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