Cease Fire PA Action



Ghost guns are being sold here in Pennsylvania as I write this email. These weapons are continuing a trend of gun violence that increases, year after year.

Ghost guns are made from kits and can often be assembled in minutes or hours. They include weapons that take the shape of guns that we’d never be allowed to sell. They have no serial number, and they’re effectively not regulated as guns, despite obviously being them. These DIY kits for lethal weapons are often sold online, to whoever wishes to buy them. This means that kids can more easily gain access to them, simply with a credit card and a laptop.

The very creation of this practice of firearm creation is to skirt background checks, sell weapons to people with no business owning one, and to create guns that are otherwise not allowed to be created here in Pennsylvania.

We need you to reach out to President Biden right now, who is considering  the finalization of a rule to consider ghost guns to be the same as any other gun. As we saw in his State of the Union Address last night, this issue remains in the front of his mind. We need to make sure this truly leads to action, and your voice will make all the difference.

Attorney General Shapiro’s office has been working tirelessly with community partners to get ghost guns off the street, but they’re being created and distributed faster than his office can take action. Pennsylvanians need the support of President Biden to treat ghost guns like guns as a matter of law, because they absolutely are guns.

Just in the last five days, the US Marshalls’ office in coordination with local law enforcement recovered one of these weapons in Delaware County¹. In McKeesport, a tattoo parlor owner was caught with ghost gun materials, including “several unregistered weapons, including silencers and home-milled, AR-style pistols, according to Acting U.S. Attorney Stephen R. Kaufman.”² People should not be able to create lethal weapons in defiance of the safety we all deserve.

Please urge President Biden to pass this rule. The ATF proposed this months ago, and six months have passed without meaningful action from the president. Ghost guns are guns, and people are dying while we fail to take action.

Adam Garber


¹ https://www.delcotimes.com/2022/02/25/multiple-gun-arrests-including-ghost-gun-taken-off-the-street-in-chester/

² https://triblive.com/local/regional/mckeesport-man-who-kept-ghost-guns-inside-tattoo-parlor-gets-2-plus-years-behind-bars/




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