
In 2017, when Donald Trump repealed Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), he stole the American dream from hundreds of thousands of young people. And now, the Supreme Court's conservative majority will soon decide if his administration has the right to end the program.

Trump's decision to end DACA was a cruel and misguided betrayal of these young people -- and the Supreme Court could uphold his decision.

We cannot sit by silently and let this happen. Add your name to stand with me and demand Mitch McConnell allow the Senate to take up the House's DACA bill now. We passed a clean DACA bill over five months ago and are waiting on our colleagues to protect these young people.

In 2014, President Barack Obama signed the Executive Actions on Immigration, which included the expansion of DACA. This offered young people who were brought into the United States as children a chance to get a work visa and even go to college.

DACA recipients -- who Trump just wrongfully labeled "very tough, hardened criminals" -- are living proof of the American dream, not political pawns that can just be disposed of. They are kids and young adults who have known no country other than ours. They deserve to have the opportunity to stay, study, work, become citizens, and give back to the country they love.

The expansion of DACA was an example of our country at its best -- full of opportunity and hope. This attempt to repeal it is quite the opposite.

That is why I'm asking you to join me by adding your name to stand with these young people across the country. Demand that the Senate take up the House's bill to codify DACA and protect DREAMers today.

Thank you,


Paid for by Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress

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