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Wednesday, March 2nd, 2022

US/NATO is in the Grip of a Daemonic Death-Wish & the Entire World is Threatened

Edward Curtin

The US’s Aggressive Expansion of NATO Created This Horror; The US Can and Should End It

Dave Lindorff

Col Douglas Macgregor Has a Slightly Different Take on Russia-Ukraine Conflict


CIA Funds WePlot Start-Up For Journalists

The Good Citizen

Today the Threat of Nuclear War Is Real

Prof Michel Chossudovsky

Propaganda, Corporatism, and the Hidden Global Coup

Robert W Malone MD, MS

Russia – Ukraine

The Z-Man

The Strategic Threat from Net-Zero Emissions

Christopher Monckton of Brenchley

Creating New Enemies

Philip Giraldi

The Real State of the Union

Simon Black

Ukraine Update #3

Paul Craig Roberts

Shedding . . .

Eric Peters

LRC Blog

Political Theatre
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