For both good and bad, Big Tech has utterly disrupted life as we once knew it.
Weekly transmission from Adbusters Media Foundation
TrueCost: Solution to the climate crisis.
Hey all you screen-scanning muchachos and muchachas,
For both good and bad, Big Tech has utterly disrupted life as we once knew it.
It has granted us unprecedented access to information. It has allowed for lightning-fast communication. It has given us nonstop access to endless entertainment. It has hastened the scale and speed of social change — in both the positive and the negative sense — to a world-historic degree.
But as it has created, it has also destroyed. Alongside all the new avenues it has opened up, countless old ones have been closed for good. And so many are now leading us not towards enlightenment and happiness but to our environmental, sociopolitical and spiritual doom.
At this point, the sway that Big Tech holds over our lives goes almost unnoticed. We accept, we click “I Agree,” we defer our autonomy not out of genuine concurrence but out of apathy and coercion. What choice do we have? We’ve gotta have that iPhone, that Insta account, that Maps feature if we’re gonna enjoy the fruits of modern life!
And so we accept constant surveillance. We allow the commodification of our thoughts, our memories, our self-expression, our privacy. We let the info-landscapes informing our sense of reality be warped by corporations raking in ad revenues.
With our consent, Big Tech has turned every one of us into a fungible, exploitable unit of attention.
But we are not mere attention feeds. We are complex, contradictory, creative human beings. And we’re not going to let that distinction go lightly. If we have to, and before it’s too late, we’re going to fight — for our autonomy, for the health and sanctity of our mental environments.
What we’re talking about is the birth of a movement. The Mental Liberation Front (MLF).
Welcome to the resistance.
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For the Wild,
The Third Force
We carry around our smartphones like portable dopamine. What damage is it doing to our souls?
Study after study has shown that Facebook makes you moody, anxious, and depressed.
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