BIDEN GREEN MOVEMENT FUNDS RUSSIAN INVASION | Trump advocates money follow child Published Monday, February 28, 2022 This Wednesday at NOON Central Oklahoma Home Builders WEDNESDAY LUNCHEON Central Oklahoma Home Builders ELECTION INTEGRITY EDUCATION COVID 11:00 AM Doors open 11:30 AM Lunch NOON to 1:15 PM Meeting Central Oklahoma Home Builders Association 420 East Britton Road, OKC, OK 73114 _________________________ ALSO! WE WILL BE INTRODUCING A NEW FRIEND Mary is a wonderful devout Christian from a godly family. She has a masters in voice and will lead us as we sing the National Anthem. Be sure to welcome her. _____________ ALSO SPEAKING DON SPENCER OK2A As you can imagine, there are urgent calls we need to make to our legislators in order to maintain our liberties. There are challenges you can help overcome. Don will explain on Wednesday! SEE YOU AT THE WEDNESDAY LUNCHEON! _____________________ MEETING LOCATION Central Oklahoma Home Builders 420 East Britton Road, OKC, OK 73114 WEDNESDAY LUNCHEON FREE to those 18-years old and under FREE to college students 21-years old and under. _______________ OCPAC SOCIAL MEDIA OCPAC LINKS OCPAC Twitter OCPAC Instagram OCPAC Facebook Page OCPAC Facebook Group Table of Contents BOB LINN Your Voices are Needed BIDEN'S GREEN MOVEMENT FUNDS UKRAINE INVASION Steve Anderson TWO WEEKS AGO T.W. Shannon | Kevin McGary URGENT CALL THIS MORNING CALL SENATOR ROGER THOMPSON Vote no on SB1709 THE ROAR RELEASE OKHPR bills in progress __________ RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP Renew Today OCPAC WAR CHEST Keep us Growing for the Future Was this newsletter forwarded by a friend? Sign up to get your own copy here. Subscribe to OCPAC's text messaging notifications. TEXT "join" to (405) 351-1156 Sign up here. BOB LINN Your Voices are Needed This past weekend, President Donald Trump spoke to a highly energized crowd at CPAC. He spoke of the threats which emanate from within our nation working to destroy our churches, culture, principles, and the institutions which define us. He spoke of the truly evil nature of the people who have threatened parents who speak up at school board meetings and who want to ask your four-year-old to pick their gender. He insisted that returning the authority of our children’s education to parents is a mandate. He spoke of the freedom to not only send our children to the school of our choice, but to have our educational tax-dollars to go with them whether the school of choice is public or private. Listen to the President at CPAC here. Your voices are going to be desperately needed in the days ahead. The restoration of the integrity of the education of our children is mandatory if we are going to see a restoration of cultural integrity. Next week, we will be flying in Dr. James Lindsay again to spend time with the Regents at the University of Oklahoma. The regents are meeting March 8 & 9 and Diversity Equity Inclusion is on the agenda. It is imperative we rid our administration of those who think they have found truth in Diversity Equity and Inclusion. Dr. Lindsay will also speak at OCPAC and City Elders that week. Our universities have succumbed to ideologies bent on destroying the nation. The week after Dr. Lindsay speaks, Steve Anderson and a special guest will expose the financial fraud which has defined the Oklahoma Department of Health for years. Be sure to join us this Wednesday, as Don Spencer of OK2A will bring us up to date on bills of deep concern and bills we must help pass. In addition, Gubernatorial candidate Mark Sherwood will speak to us about the issues before our state. You must make your voice heard in the days ahead. __________ Footnote: Our own Shane Jett was at CPAC to receive an award for his conservatism in the Senate as evidenced by his 90% conservative voting record. Also, from the CPAC podium: President Donald Trump acknowledged one and only one Governor: Oklahoma’s Kevin Stitt. Congratulations to both! Be sure to read Steve Anderson’s article below and also take action on the legislation being brought to our attention by both OK2A (Don Spencer) and OKHPR (Liza Greve). I'll see you this Wednesday! MARK SHERWOOD 11:00 AM Doors open 11:30 AM Lunch NOON to 1:15 PM Meeting Central Oklahoma Home Builders Association 420 East Britton Road, OKC, OK 73114 God bless! Biden's Green Movement Funds Russian Invasion by Steve Anderson edited by Bob Linn Russia aka Putin Before & After Biden Before Biden, 40% of Russia’s revenue came from oil and natural gas. Biden policy has not only increased the price you and I pay at the pump (up 50%), but so filled the Putin coffers that 60% of their income is now from oil and gas. By fall, it will be over 65% of their revenue. BIDEN'S POLICIES DIRECTLY PUTS RUBLES IN PUTIN'S WAR CHEST The price of oil was up 50% this weekend over one year ago. This weekend, natural gas was up 66% over same period. Today we find ourselves on the crux of a moral dilemma. Biden's 'greenie' policies drove up the price of fossil fuels with the full support of the Democrat party. Their regulatory policies are devastating to the U.S. and to Ukraine. From shutting down the Keystone pipeline to stopping drilling for huge reserves on the outer banks and federal acreages to the ridiculous EPA regulation designed to prevent drilling and production. From day one, everything this administration and its minions in the bureaucracy have done has driven up prices on fossil fuels. Here is the moral dilemma: The United States of America and the Western World have literally financed the invasion of Ukraine with the additional dollars that have lined the Russian's pockets with these greenie faux climate change policies. A full forty percent of their revenue historically was from fossil fuels. Today, the price increases since Biden have driven that number to just over 59%. It will top 65% by the fall. The Ukrainian people's blood is on our hands whether we want to recognize that or not. We have short term and long-term options. OUR SHORT TERM OPTIONS We must put the new generation of Stinger ground to air anti-aircraft missiles and Javelin anti-tank missiles in the hands of the Ukrainians in VOLUME. We know that these are highly effective in reducing the ability of superior air and armored forces and providing these sorts of armaments in bulk is exactly the approach the US and Russia have taken in our various surrogate wars against each other. What is holding up Biden the Buffoon helping the free democracy of Ukraine? This administration has chosen to freeze with fear. This would not be a misleading tagline: Go green and kill Ukrainians The sanctions on Putin were laughable and that is exactly how Putin viewed them. Long Term Solutions The war we now see in Ukraine is directly the responsibility of Biden the Buffoon and the Democrats. An asterisk goes to the RINOs like Romney who somehow has construed this to be Trump's fault. No, crooked Mitt, this is fully you and the political establishment's war and economic malaise. As an investor I will be using what little cash I have on the sidelines to buy in the next few days and anticipate a long and difficult climb out of this hole. If I wasn't already a Trump in 2024 supporter, I would be one now. There is a way out of this debacle but it is not via the policies of this administration. STEP ONE Step one to recovery would be to unleash America's oil and gas industry. Remove all the regulations INCLUDING the ramped-up EPA attacks on the industry. STEP TWO Second, open up the offshore and federal lands that Biden closed to drilling. This will not be an immediate fix but within the next six months you will begin to see a difference in the world-wide price even if Putin takes Ukraine. Russia is an economy based on energy—prior to Biden, 40% of their revenue was oil and gas. It is now 60% and heading quickly to 65% due to oil’s inflated prices. If you bring the price of Brent and WTI crude back to Trump era levels you crush their ability to wage war while throwing their economy into recession. Face it, Putin is popular in Russia currently only because they have had a relatively vibrant economy by the old Soviet Union standards. STEP THREE Third, the tariffs on China that Biden removed must be reinstated. China is Russia's ace in the hole and putting their economy at risk will impact both of these rogue nations. Once the tariffs are put in place, there will need to be an agreement to defend Taiwan against Chinese aggression. An agreement that has actual TEETH. China is still a producing economy. However, it does not have the robust consumer economy the Communist nation needs to support their 2025 agenda. If we do not act now the chance to do this will be lost as China develops a middle class---the very thing this administration is destroying in this country. Finally, we must "follow the science" and realize climate change is a faux issue that none of the 'models' have been right on nor proven that it is manmade. Pollution is the bugaboo that must be controlled and we have already made huge strides in that area and should continue too. STEP FOUR The Paris Climate Accord is a huge stone on the back of the American economy as well as the economy of the free world. The Paris Climate Accord rewards two nations: Russia and China. We are at one of those inflection points in the history of the United States of America. How we as citizens react to this is more important than it has been since the 1776 revolution. We can demand and VOTE change at every level of elected office or we can continue like blind sheep along this path. If we behave like blind sheep, we will become as irrelevant AND impotent as the EU now is on the world stage. We will see a U.S. economy that mirrors the flat lined EU's socialist states. Hope to see you Wednesday at the OCPAC lunch! ALERT FROM OK2A CALL ROGER THOMPSON VOTE NO on SB 1709 1-405-521-5588 Read the 38-page SB 1709 here. ASK FOR A NO VOTE ON SB 1709 Watch Video from Don Spencer here. IN THE AG AND WILDLIFE COMMITTEE: It places a government bureaucracy in control over private property. It removes existing hard fought-for laws protecting your property rights and places your private property under the authority of the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Authority. It puts the ODWA in control over what fish you put on, raise, and catch on your own private property. Why would a member of the Legislature want to remove laws protecting private property rights and turn your land to the authority of a bureaucracy? TWO WEEKS AGO We've provided a video Kevin McGary held no punches when discussing the vile and demonic nature of Marxism, Critical Race Theory, DEI, and Black Lives Matter. The Cultural Marxist movement has infiltrated the education unions and the administrations of common and higher education all over America using words they have re-defined to create division, anger, and hate. Find Kevin's website here Regrettably, a technical issue arose which resulted in no video of this incredible evening! We will be sure to do this again and get it on tape. GOOD NEWS: We were able to provide you with the presentation Kevin McGary gave to City Elders last Thursday morning Watch Kevin at City Elders here Find Kevin's website here Watch Kevin at City Elders here NEXT WEEK IS FINAL WEEK FOR BILLS TO BE HEARD IN COMMITTEE! View this week's OKHPR information here. TIME TO RENEW OCPAC MEMBERSHIPS If you are on a monthly draft, you are fine. However, all others will need to renew. Not already a member? Join the fight! Sign up here! Renew your membership here. Subscribe to OCPAC's text messaging notifications. TEXT "join" to (405) 351-1156 Help us continue to build the OCPAC war chest. KEEP US GROWING FOR THE FUTURE 100% of your money goes directly to the campaigns of candidates OCPAC leadership has vetted and endorsed. Mail Checks to: OCPAC P.O. Box 2021 Edmond, OK 73083 DONATE HERE God bless and thank you for all you do for Oklahoma! Get the OCPAC email sent to your inbox every Monday Sign up here. 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