Dick Durbin

John, I still remember the first State of the Union I attended in person.

It was 2005. I was recovering at Walter Reed after being wounded in Iraq and Senator Dick Durbin invited me as his guest. It began a long friendship that continues to this day with both of us working hard for the people of Illinois. 

And I want that partnership to continue. I’m running for re-election in November and one thing is for certain—we cannot take any seats for granted, including my own.

Can I count on you to split a $5 contribution to Senator Durbin and myself to help me win in Illinois and keep the Senate blue?

I’m so proud of the work we have done in the Senate this past year. The American Rescue Plan kept people in their jobs and in their homes. It kept food on the table. As someone who grew up relying on food stamps, that means a lot to me.

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill is also a big win for Illinois and for the country. It is already creating jobs, improving our roads, expanding broadband access and bringing our state into the future. 

It’s been one of the great honors of my life to represent Illinois. And I want to keep doing it. But there are no guarantees in politics. Just six years ago, I defeated an incumbent Republican to win this seat—and we need the resources to build a strong campaign again this year.

Help me defend my seat in the Senate so I can keep working hard for the people in Illinois, and around the country, who need help the most. Split $5 or anything you can to Senator Durbin and myself now.

All my best,

Tammy Duckworth







Paid for by Friends of Dick Durbin


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Attn: Online Department
10‌1 W. Grand, S‌uite 200
Chicago, IL 606‌54