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Progress Report

News, events, and must-read analysis from the Progressive Policy Institute.
What Putin Really Fears
By Will Marshall, President of PPI


By unleashing a Russian blitzkrieg on Ukraine, Vladimir Putin also has shattered Europe’s long peace, with enormous implications for U.S. security. The pacification of Europe – the world’s most dangerous cauldron of conflict in the last century – was the supreme achievement of American statecraft, and it may be coming undone.

The Russian strongman’s resort to brute force to crush Ukraine’s independence is a tragedy for its 40 million citizens. But by ordering the largest military mobilization in Europe since World War II, Putin also has sought to strong arm the transatlantic allies into rolling back NATO’s eastward expansion after the Cold War ended.

Ukraine is not a NATO member — and Putin’s unprovoked aggression is intended to ensure that it never becomes one. Biden has made it clear that the West won’t go to war to protect it from Russia. But the United States and Europe should stand in solidarity with Ukraine and never accept its subjugation by Russia.

Nor should they let the world forget that Putin’s rationale for destroying Ukraine’s sovereignty is based entirely on lies and historical fictions. The Kremlin’s propaganda machine is working overtime to convince the world that Russia’s goal is to “deNazify” Ukraine and protect ethnic Russians in breakaway provinces from “genocide." 

What Putin Really Fears
By Will Marshall, PPI President

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ICYMI: Defeat Trump, Now More Than Ever
By David Brooks
The struggle against authoritarianism, at home and abroad.
The democratic nations of the world are in a global struggle against authoritarianism. That struggle has international fronts-- starting with the need to confront, repel and weaken Vladimir Putin. 

..."At the start of 2021 Democrats had a nine-point advantage when you asked voters to name their party preference. By the end of 2021 Republicans had a five-point advantage. Among swing voters, things are particularly grim. A February 2022 Economist/YouGov survey found that a pathetic 30 percent of independents approve of Biden’s job performance. Working-class voters are turning against Biden. According to a January Pew survey, 54 percent of Americans with graduate degrees approved of Biden’s performance, but only 37 percent of those without any college experience did.

"Are Democrats thinking clearly about how to win those voters? No.

"This week two veteran Democratic strategists, William A. Galston and Elaine Kamarck, issued a report for the Progressive Policy Institute arguing that Democrats need to get over at least three delusions."
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State of the Union Preview
Will Marshall & Tressa Pankovits: Biden Must Reclaim Democrats' Discarded Mantle of Education Reform in State of the Union Address

Paul Bledsoe, PPI's Strategic Advisor: Biden wanted to use the State of the Union for his agenda. Then Russia started a land war. 
The Washington Post

Jordan Shapiro, PPI's Data and Economic Policy Analyst: Improving Government Customer Service Should Be Highlighted in Biden's State of the Union
PPI Blog

Arielle Kane, PPI's Director of Health Care:
Less Is More: Biden Needs to Start Fresh on Health Care With the State of the Union
PPI Blog

Ben Ritz, Director of PPI's Center for Funding America's Future:
Democrats Need a Pivot on Inflation at the State of the Union
New from the Experts
Michael Mandel, PPI's Vice President and Chief Economist: Big Tech allies point to China, Russia threat in push to squash antitrust bill
⮕ The Hill

Paul Bledsoe, PPI's Strategic Advisor: E.U. will unveil a strategy to break free from Russian gas, after decades of dependence
The Washington Post

Ed Gresser, PPI's Director of Trade and Global Markets: Trade Rep Says U.S. Pressing China
Progressive Farmer
Tune In!

Cryptocurrency has taken the world by storm. Depending on the day, digital currencies are now cumulatively valued at several trillion dollars. Financial and nonfinancial corporate executives, once dismissive, increasingly understand the importance of cryptocurrency and related technologies for the future. However, the federal government is only in the early stages of deciding how to regulate cryptocurrency, which could have enormous implications going forward.

Listen to this conversation with Congressman Jake Auchincloss and business leaders for a dynamic discussion on regulating this unprecedented technology. 


Jeremiah records an ad-hoc episode as the Russian invasion of Ukraine takes place on February 24th.  In this episode, he talks about what this means for liberal democracy globally, Russia's contempt for international norms and how they abuse claims of "genocide" or "Nazism," the international struggle between authoritarianism and liberalism, and why so many on both the right and the left fell for Russian talking points in the lead up to the invasion.

Upcoming Event: How the U.S. Can Better Compete Globally on R&D

On March 3, the Innovation Frontier Project at the Progressive Policy Institute will host a virtual panel discussion for policymakers, staffers, and journalists titled “How the U.S. Can Better Compete Globally on R&D.”

Between the pandemic, supply chain snarls, and an increased economic competition with China, there is a growing recognition of the role that R&D plays in solving today’s pressing issues and building tomorrow’s economy. To address these concerns, the U.S. Innovation and Competition Act passed by the Senate in 2021 and the America COMPETES Act passed this year by the House include provisions to increase advanced manufacturing, initiatives for STEM education and workforce development, and measures to increase the resilience of supply chains.

The Innovation Frontier Project has assembled a panel of leading experts who have recently published papers on how reforms to government procurement could boost R&D spending by U.S. corporations and how the U.S. can focus on manufacturing complex goods to better compete globally. The panelists will discuss how would discuss how the U.S. can better compete with China on R&D and how proposed legislation can accomplish that goal.

Don't Miss These PPI Reports

Meet Mosaic’s 4th Cohort of Women Changing Policy

Mosaic is proud to introduce its fourth cohort of Women Changing Policy! These women are experts in the fields of economics, business and technology, and are forging a path forward to bring diverse perspectives to today’s public policy debates.

This talented group of leaders will hear from an impressive lineup of public policy experts, including leaders and representatives from the United States Congress and the White House, as well as seasoned media professionals, communications consulting firms, and more!  

Learn more about the Mosaic Economic Project and previous cohorts here!
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