Happy National Pig Day!
If you’ve ever spent any time with any of our rescued pig residents at Farm Sanctuary, you’ll know each is an individual in their own right. One may be a crafty problem-solver, and another might be an affectionate cuddle bug. These personalities reveal a complexity that most people don’t know!
So in honor of National Pig Day, we invite you to learn more about our porcine pals—and to share these facts with your friends who are ready to invite pigs into their hearts!
10 Fun Facts About Pigs
Pigs rank among the smartest land animals on earth! Research shows that pigs’ intelligence compares to dogs and small children. They can categorize and distinguish objects, manipulate joysticks with their snouts, and learn to press levers that release food rewards. (It’s important to note that intelligence does not equal worth. We value pigs for who they are and not how they compare to other individuals and species.)
Pigs can learn to use mirrors. Studies show that pigs have an awareness of their bodies as reflected in mirrors. They can also use mirrors to find food hidden outside their normal vision range.
Pigs are playful. Play is an important part of a pig’s development. They may jump and run, engage in play fights with each other, and carry and shake balls and other toys for fun. They are also creative in how they play and may toss twigs, straw, or other objects found in their environment.
Pigs have best friends. They are social beings who bond with their loved ones for life. Pigs “talk” to their pig and people friends with happy grunts and snuggle close to their besties at night. They can also tell different individuals apart using sight, sound, smell, touch, and social cues.
They’re very opinionated. Pigs use more than 20 unique vocalizations to communicate.
“Who run the world? Girls!” Pigs form socially complex, matriarchal hierarchies. Dominant pigs get the best food and sleeping spots.
Pigs don’t like a “pigsty!” They prefer keeping a clean house and make their toilet far away from where they eat and sleep.
Those mud masks aren’t just an aesthetic. Pigs have few sweat glands, so wallowing in mud helps regulate their body temperature. It also serves as a natural sunscreen and keeps pests like ticks and lice at bay.
Nests aren’t just for birds: Pigs arrange their straw bedding into warm nests. We’ve seen mother pigs tuck their children into bed long after they have grown!
They love belly rubs. You might have a new best friend after finding a pig’s “sweet spot.” Some love belly rubs so much that they’ll flop on their sides, close their eyes, and stretch out their legs to maximize available belly space. (We have video proof!)
Ready to learn more about these intelligent, social animals?
Discover history and facts about the species, and find resources—including our white paper, “Thinking Pigs: Cognition, Emotion and Personality in the Domestic Pig.”
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