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Keeping Hoosiers Safe

Across the state, Indiana’s state troopers are there for us. They keep Hoosiers safe by risking their own safety each and every day. Of course, you know that Governor Eric Holcomb is proud to stand as a supporter of Indiana’s law enforcement community. Over the last three years (and, really, over his entire career), he’s actively supported our law enforcement, and he has worked to deliver for them—like they deliver for us—during each legislative session.
And earlier this week, our state troopers stood with Governor Holcomb. In case you missed it, he earned the endorsement of the Indiana State Police Alliance to continue to serving Hoosiers for another four years! The Alliance is comprised of more than 2,000 active and retired state troopers from each of Indiana’s 92 counties. They decided to endorse our governor because he doesn’t just support our state troopers – he delivers and is Putting People First.
“Indiana’s thin blue line is made up of selfless women and men who drop everything and spring into action in service of someone else – no matter what danger stands in their way,” said Governor Holcomb“Whenever duty calls, Indiana’s law enforcement officers answer and protect all of us. As Hoosiers, we proudly stand with them and I couldn’t be more honored to have their support.”

I’m thankful for our law enforcement officers, and I’m proud that Governor Holcomb has earned their support!
-Kyle Hupfer

Governor Holcomb's Week That Was 
Governor Holcomb Earns Endorsement of the Indiana State Police Alliance
Breaking News! Governor Holcomb has earned the endorsement of the Indiana State Police Alliance for his 2020 re-election bid.

Governor Holcomb was joined by Cory Martin, executive director of the Indiana State Police Alliance, where Martin announced the organizations endorsement. This quote from Martin says it best, "It is very apparent that through countless interactions, Governor Holcomb not only supports our members but truly cares about them as one Hoosier to another". During each legislative session, Governor Holcomb has worked to serve the brave law enforcement officers who keep Hoosiers safe throughout the state.

This is another huge step in Governor Holcomb's campaign to keep on Putting People First!
Congress of Counties Registration Now Open!
Early Bird Registration is now open for Congress of Counties 2020! The two-day training conference, which will be hosted in downtown Indy on January 31-February 1, will bring together Republican Party leaders, candidates, and grassroots activists to learn the campaign skills needed to win in 2020 and beyond.
Book now and save! Early Bird Registration is available now for just $75 per person. This special rate will expire on December 1, so please register now. After the early bird period, General Admission Registration (with access to the same programming) will be $100 per person.
Upcoming Republican Events

December 6: Greater Indianapolis Republican Women's Club Holiday Luncheon and Silent Auction December 14: IRFW Holiday Brunch
**Have an upcoming Republican event not listed here? Let us know at [email protected]p! **

News You Can Use

Governor Holcomb shares teacher concerns & respects local decisions
Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch discusses clean water grants
Secretary of State Connie Lawson promotes investment scam victims getting aid
Senator Todd Young announces Navy ship to be named after Richard Lugar
Senator Mike Braun believes Americans should know prescription costs before purchasing
Congresswoman Jackie Walorski proposes bill to support state child welfare reforms
Congressman Jim Banks has VA design-build bill passed
Congressman Jim Baird campaigns for bill to improve STEM education in rural areas
Congresswoman Susan Brooks thanks veterans for their service
Congressman Greg Pence wishes the U.S. Marine Corps a happy 244th birthday
Congressman Larry Bucshon congratulates Evansville basketball team on incredible victory
Congressman Trey Hollingsworth discusses senior care during hospital visit

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