Dear Relatives,
Thank you to those of you who attended the Build Back Fossil Free digital rally “POTUS on Notice: Frontline calls for no more broken climate promises” last Thursday. It was a inspiring evening filled with powerful testimonials and calls to action from youth organizers on the front lines. You can relive the excitement via the recording here. : [link removed]
In case you missed it, can you take 5 minutes to TODAY to put pressure on the Biden Administration ahead of and during his State of the Union Address?
Here are some quick things you can do!
ACTION 1: Tweet during the State of the Union! 📲
Image Download here : [link removed]
Tweet sample but feel free to write you own:
🖊️#POTUSOnNotice🖊️@POTUS Black, Indigenous, frontline, and young voters put you in office. We did it because of promises you made to protect us, our planet, and our future. We did our part, now it's your turn #BuildBackFossilFree @FightFossils 🖊️🖊️🖊️
ACTION 2: Fill out the Birddogging interest form. 👀
Click this link to complete the form : [link removed] our team will follow up to share a toolkit with guidance on how to plug into events where we expect Biden, Harris, or other key officials to show up.
ACTION 3: Mail a pen to the White House. 📬
With the stroke of a pen, Biden could stop devastating colonialist projects like the Line 3 pipeline and the proposed Formosa Plastics petrochemical plant. Let’s mail him a pen with a note demanding he sign an executive order to stop all fossil fuel projects and declare a climate emergency. Tips for writing to the White House : [link removed] Joe Biden, The White House1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
… for more fun, easy, and IMPORTANT ways to take action
check out the ACTION GUIDE : [link removed].
These actions should take no more than 5 minutes. Will you join us?
In solidarity,
Joye Braun
Indigenous Environmental Network
Established in 1990, The Indigenous Environmental Network is an international environmental justice nonprofit that works with tribal grassroots organizations to build the capacity of Indigenous communities. I EN’s activities include empowering Indigenous communities and tribal governments to develop mechanisms to protect our sacred sites, land, water, air, natural resources, the health of both our people and all living things, and to build economically sustainable communities.
Learn more here: : [link removed]
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The Indigenous Environmental Network - PO Box 485 - Bemidji - MN - 56619
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