From ADL Washington, D.C. <[email protected]>
Subject ADL Washington, D.C. Regional Update
Date November 15, 2019 7:51 PM
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ADL Regional Update

Courtesy of ImageLink

ADL Washington, D.C. Celebrates 25th Anniversary ADL In Concert Against Hate

We are grateful to all those who helped make possible the 25th Anniversary ADL In Concert Against Hate on November 4th at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, and to the hundreds of supporters, activists, students, educators and community leaders who came together in a show of strength and resolve to keep advancing ADL's mission - to stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all.

ADL in Concert Against Hate is an annual reminder that we all have the capacity to fight hate for good in our communities. This year, we were humbled to honor four individuals who have demonstrated courage and conviction in the face of bias, bigotry and discrimination with the Kay Family Award: Judge Thomas Buergenthal, Taylor Dumpson, Claire Sarnowski and Mia Yamamoto. We also presented the Levenson Family Defender of Democracy Award to Rick Hutzell, Editor of The Capital Gazette (on behalf of the whole staff and newsroom of the paper) and the late Representative Elijah Cummings (received by Dr. Maya Rockeymoore Cummings).


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ADL Disturbed by Student Video Advocating Indiscriminate Violence Against Israel and Jews

ADL expressed its concern this week about a disturbing video recorded on Snapchat and circulated by students at The George Washington University.

ADL Washington, D.C. Regional Director Doron F. Ezickson issued the
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following statement :

&ldquo;ADL received numerous reports from students at The George Washington University, who felt threatened by this disturbing and shocking video, which advocates for indiscriminate violence against Israel and Jews. The message shared in this short video clearly demonstrates the danger when anti-Israel incitement and anti-Semitic rhetoric are conflated."

&ldquo;ADL and its partners on the ground, especially GW Hillel, have been in touch with university administrators and campus police, and have been encouraged by their commitment to effectively and swiftly respond to this incident. Furthermore, leaders across the campus have been unequivocal in their condemnation of this anti-Semitic video. We hope that the administration takes the same strident approach as it considers what further actions may be appropriate."

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ADL on Front Lines of the Fight to Protect DACA

On Tuesday, ADL joined hundreds of DACA supporters outside the Supreme Court to protest the Trump administration's efforts to shut down a program protecting about 800,000 young immigrants known as &ldquo;Dreamers.&rdquo; The court listened to oral arguments and is expected to make a decision in Spring 2020. ADL played a leading role in submitting an amicus brief in the case, joining a broad coalition of civil rights organizations committed to securing protections for and ensuring the rights of immigrants in the U.S. and at our borders.

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ADL Urges Action After FBI Reports Jews Were Target of Most Religion-Based Hate Crimes in 2018

This week, ADL called on lawmakers and law enforcement authorities to take action to address the deeply disturbing climate of hate in the United States after
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newly released FBI data showed that Jews and Jewish institutions were the overwhelming target of religion-based hate crimes last year &ndash; as they have been every year since 1991.

&ldquo;It is unacceptable that Jews and Jewish institutions continue to be at the center of religion-based hate crime attacks,&rdquo; said ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt. &ldquo;We need to take concrete action to address and combat this significant problem. We strongly urge Congress to immediately pass the Khalid Jabara and Heather Heyer National Opposition to Hate, Assault, and Threats to Equality (NO HATE) Act. By improving hate crime training, prevention, best practices, and data collection, we can stem hate crimes nationwide.&rdquo;

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ADL Featured on Jewish Federation of Charlotte Podcast

During a recent trip to Charlotte to train students and families about confronting anti-Semitism in their everyday lives, ADL Washington, D.C. Education Director Seth Gordon-Lipkin and Assistant Regional Director Jeremy Bloomstone joined the JPod Charlotte podcast to discuss ADL's work to educate the next generation to confront hate in the community. Tune in using the link below.

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