Dear John,
In commemoration of Women’s History Month, included below are a variety of relevant materials including a collection page of resources, our Book of the Month and a Women’s History Month picture book round-up. Also included in this newsletter are new resources and an invitation to attend an upcoming webinar, which is part of our partner’s Share My Lesson Virtual Conference on March 22-24. | |
Women's History Month
Use our collection of lesson plans, teaching tools, family discussion guides and children’s literature curriculum resources to bring the themes of Women’s History Month to your home and classroom throughout the year.
Book of the Month
Stacey's Extraordinary Words
When her teacher chooses her to compete in the local spelling bee, Stacey isn’t as excited as she thought she’d be. What if she messes up? Or worse, if she can’t bring herself to speak up, like sometimes happens when she faces bullying at school? Download Discussion Guides |
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New Lesson Plan
Will New State Laws about Vote Counting Overrule the Will of the People?
Use this high school lesson plan to teach students about the vote counting process and the new laws that shift power from independent election officials to partisan actors. Download Lesson Plan | | | |
Book Round-Up
12 Picture Books to Read for Women’s History Month
Use these fantastic picture books to bring the themes of Women’s History Month to your classrooms and homes. Each recommended book comes with discussion guides for educators and families. READ MORE | | | |
Share My Lesson Virtual Conference
Join ADL Education’s Tara Raju and Jinnie Spiegler for their webinar, “Picture Books Can Help Teach Tough Historical and Current Events” on March 24 at 2:00pm ET. Their session is part of Share My Lesson’s 2022 Virtual Conference that takes place March 22-24.
REGISTER | | | |
Spotlight on Contemporary Antisemitism
With a changing education landscape and the continuous rise in antisemitic incidents, it is essential that educators have tools to address the reality of this hate with their students. Gain resources for teaching about antisemitism in today’s world at this webinar on March 29 at 4pm ET.
REGISTER | | | |
Anti-Bias Curriculum for Sale
Use our elementary, middle and high school curriculum guides to teach anti-bias education in your classroom. The curricula are designed to help students explore identity, understand and interpret differences, and analyze and challenge bias. Purchase Curriculum | |