POLITICO: "This primary could fundamentally reshape the Democratic Party in Congress."

Donate NOW to Texas progressives' huge Election Day Get Out The Vote push!

Elizabeth Warren with Jessica last week.
Turn on images to see Elizabeth Warren with Jessica Cisneros.

Elizabeth Warren with Greg last week.
Turn on images to see Elizabeth Warren with Greg Casar.

AOC with Jessica and Greg earlier this month.Turn on images to see AOC with Jessica Cisneros and Greg Casar.

Politico reports, "Texas kicks off a primary season that could fundamentally reshape the Democratic Party in Congress....Progressives are on the hunt to grow their numbers."

All eyes are on bold progressives Jessica Cisneros (TX-28) and Greg Casar (TX-35). Jessica is running against one of the most conservative Dems in the House. Greg is running for an open seat against more conservative opponents. The PCCC, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Pramila Jayapal, AOC, and many other progressive leaders have endorsed both candidates.

In addition, we just endorsed 8 progressive champions running for state and local offices in Texas. From expanding Medicaid to fighting corruption, these candidates will be working to improve the lives of everyday people, not to do the bidding of big corporations!

Today is Election Day in Texas. Donations right now will add resources immediately to candidates' Get Out The Vote efforts on the ground.

Can you chip in to Jessica Cisneros, Greg Casar, and other progressives working today to Get Out The Vote in Texas?

The Texas Tribune agrees on the importance of today's primary: "Texas is ground zero for the biggest debates inside the Democratic Party....Progressives are looking to the Texas primary to send a new class of stars to Congress."

Vox has the scoop on why Jessica Cisneros' race against conservative Dem. Henry Cuellar is so important to progressives:

"The upcoming primary in Texas’s 28th District is poised to answer a big question for Democrats: Which flank of their party will have momentum in 2022?

"The contest is a rematch between immigration attorney and progressive challenger Jessica Cisneros and nine-term incumbent Rep. Henry Cuellar, one of the most conservative Democrats in the House.

"Looming over the contest is the FBI raid of Cuellar’s home and campaign office in January. Cuellar has denied any wrongdoing, but the investigation has fueled uncertainty about his candidacy.

"If she succeeds, it could send a clear message about progressives’ ability to win in a traditionally moderate district -- and indicate that liberal policies resonate with many Latino voters."

Greg Casar's race is also strategically significant, but for a different reason. Here's Yahoo News

"Democratic Rep. Lloyd Doggett’s decision to run in the new 37th District opened up the 35th District and the eventual Democratic nominee will likely head to Congress.

"The race could provide a clue as to the kind of tactics Democrats will embrace moving forward. Democrats have struggled to advance some of their major priorities, forcing a debate over whether to push for bold policies or settle for piecemeal progress.

"'We need elected officials that are ready to make things actually move in Washington,' Casar said in an interview with NBC News. 'There’s just example after example of politicians who talk a progressive game but don’t actually stand up to entrenched interests and get things done.'"

"This idea that moderates and more corporate Democrats are the ones that get things done just isn’t borne out at all here in the last year in the Congress,' Casar added."

Wins in this first-in-the-nation primary will put wind in progressives' sails in every other Democratic primary this year. Chip in here to Get Out The Vote.

Progressive champions like these are bringing our progressive values to the Texas State Legislature and local and county offices across the state:

Gwenn Burud is challenging an incumbent Republican for a State Senate seat in Texas. She’s seen the education system as a student, a public school teacher, and a parent, and knows it’s failing and how to do better. When elected, her top priorities will be revamping public school funding, expanding Medicaid, and building a more equitable economy for all Texans.

Stacy Hackenberg is running for reelection to Justice of the Peace in Williamson County, TX, to listen to people's concerns with compassion, maintain transparency, and push back against corruption. She has lived and raised a family in Williamson County for 30 years and understands what it's like to struggle to pay bills.

Chris Leal is a public school teacher who recently worked on a successful campaign with his union to organize and advocate for using CARES funds as retention bonuses for his fellow teachers. He’s running for the Texas State House of Representatives to increase state funding for education, upgrade Texas’s deadly power infrastructure, and expand Medicaid.

Ericka Ledferd is a naturalized citizen who immigrated from Argentina to the United States. She is passionate about the American Dream and democracy. She is challenging an incumbent Republican for County Commissioner in Rockwall, TX, to bring transparency to local government.

Jose Orta is a disabled Air Force veteran and community activist running to represent place 4 on the Williamson County, TX, Commissioners Court. He wants to facilitate connections between county government and the grassroots and improve the county’s infrastructure and public health.

Julia Rodriguez is a millennial Latina active in the arts world who started a podcast called Wake up Beaumont to educate voters about local candidates. She is running for County Commissioner in Jefferson, TX, to push forward innovative infrastructure and green jobs.

Adam Swartz is consumer protection attorney running for Justice of the Peace in Dallas to modernize the court and make lives easier through eFiling and mediation. He is a passionate advocate for civil rights, animal welfare, and the environment. Before law school, he worked at the Texas Campaign for the Environment, where he knocked on doors and raised money to stop a toxic landfill bill and pass a safety measure instead.

Celina Vasquez is a daughter of Mexican immigrants with generational roots in Texas and California. As a Justice of the Peace in Brazos County, she is increasing accessibility to the court by expanding hours and providing services in Spanish. She’s running for reelection to ensure that everyone who comes before the court is treated with dignity and fairness.

Donate NOW to Texas progressives' huge Election Day Get Out The Vote push!

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)







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