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NCRC is back hosting an in-person Just Economy Conference! Did you know that if you join NCRC’s Just Economy club membership, you will be able to purchase your Just Economy Conference conference tickets at a discount? This is one of the many benefits of an individual member and supporter!
Become a member and save!
From June 13-15 in Washington, DC, the Just Economy conference will offer an array of exciting sessions on access to credit, capital and banking services; housing; organizing; policy advocacy; workforce and community development; and business development. The two-day program will also include numerous networking opportunities so you can meet NCRC staff, members and other attendees.

For more details about the event and in-person safety precautions, visit our website. Available lodging can be reserved here

If you are more interested in organizational membership, visit here.

We can’t wait to see you there.
Team NCRC 
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We are also looking for talented people passionate about Just Economy. Check out our current openings!
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