Dear John,

One mare bites another on the neck. It happens occasionally. It’s typically not a serious situation. But Amira didn’t heal from her wound. A nasty infection spread rapidly.

By the time her owner brought her to us, Amira was in terrible shape. The open wound was some 6 inches across, oozing and painful. She wasn’t holding her head up. Her heart rate was high. She had a fever.

Our “veterinary heroes” sprang into action. The ghastly wound was carefully cleaned. Then our surgical team trimmed away dead tissue and carefully repaired the devastated site on the mare’s neck. But Amira wasn’t out of the woods yet. She needed antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and constant care for the next month.

Your support enabled us to be there for this noble animal… providing top-quality care in her time of need.

Help Save Animals

Amira’s near-miraculous recovery is a testament to the power of your compassion, your caring heart, your generosity. For the sake of animals like this one, with their lives hanging by a thread, I ask you to renew your support for the American Fondouk.

Amira is just one of thousands of animals we treat every year. Please help us continue this vital work, even as the pandemic rages on. Please make a gift now, because saving a life like Amira’s means EVERYTHING to animal lovers like you and me!

With my deepest thanks,

Gigi Kay Signature

Dr. Gigi Kay


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