URGENT: Please help Stop the War in Ukraine - Global Day of Action on Sunday March 6th

CND is calling on supporters to take action. If you live in London, please assemble from 12 noon, at BBC Broadcasting House, Portland Place, London. Other actions are being organised across the country. Find a local protest here, or organise your own.

The global day of action has been called by many international organisations including CND, following an online meeting last Saturday attended by thousands. You can watch back here.

With the escalating threat of nuclear war, we are doing everything we can to raise awareness of the catastrophe that nuclear weapons use would unleash. To help you get the message out, we have No Nuclear War posters for use: either print at home, or order from our website. Use on social media if you can't get out to a protest. 

You can also write to the Prime Minister, calling on him to work towards securing a peaceful end to the war.

We are at a life or death moment for humanity and we urge you to everything you can to oppose this war and to oppose the use of nuclear weapons.


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