It’s time to head to the polls for the Texas Republican Primary Election –
get out and cast your vote for Republican leaders that will save America!
Joe Biden and the Democrats have led our country into chaos and created problems that have plagued the lives of every American. Texans are fed up
with left-wing Democrats and are tired of their “woke” ideologies that have continued to divide our country.
The solution for this crisis is clear: Vote Republican and restore sanity in
government. Texans have the power today to elect bold conservative leaders who will make America great again. |
We’ve had a record number of candidates file to run as a Republican this year, so go vote for the person who best represents your
beliefs. Polls close at 7 p.m. TONIGHT! We are counting on you to help us Save America.
Saving America, Texas
Republicans |
Paid for and Authorized by the
Republican Party of Texas P.O. Box 2206, Austin, TX 78768 |