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At SOTU, ‘democracies vs. autocracies’ take center stage

By Kelley Beaucar Vlahos on Mar 01, 2022 03:40 am

Biden reportedly will say the Russian invasion is a "major crisis facing the West." But is this what the American people want to hear?
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Why sanctions on Russia are necessary

By Marcus Stanley on Feb 25, 2022 01:50 pm

Such measures are critical to holding Moscow accountable for its actions — but they are not a longterm fix and must be carefully calibrated.
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Ukraine: What Russia wants, what the West can do

By Anatol Lieven on Feb 25, 2022 09:26 am

For those who understand Moscow's establishment and view of their country's vital interests, none of this should be a surprise.
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Now is not the time to demand bigger military budgets

By William Hartung on Feb 25, 2022 03:25 am

The hawks are already trying to exploit the Russian invasion, saying a shortfall in spending is leaving us vulnerable. Not true.
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Coming to terms with the nuclear risks of the Ukraine war

By Joe Cirincione on Feb 25, 2022 03:11 am

The US and Russia both have integrated doomsday weapons into conventional war plans. The risk is low but it isn't zero.
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Why arming Ukrainian ‘resistance fighters’ would be a really bad idea

By Ted Galen Carpenter on Feb 23, 2022 03:00 am

There is already pressure to get involved if there is a full-scale invasion, but our history with proxy wars is littered with folly.
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