Ax Biden works feverishly to give the terror regime nuclear weapons. #stolenelection
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Iran-Back Houthis Seize Another US Embassy Staffer in Yemen, Source Says
Ax Biden works feverishly to give the terror regime nuclear weapons.


According to the source, the latest staffer was detained a month after the rebel group arrested his former deputy at the embassy.

By Associated Press, ...

US to continue to engage with Russia over Iran despite Ukraine invasion
Awful! A horrific deal with Iran is coming.

President Biden — stop partnering with Russia to cut a deal with Iran. When China and Russia are on your side of the table negotiating “against” Iran, you are putting America and Israel at risk. ...

Trump Won: Arizona Senate study finds 200k ballots counted in 2020 with mismatched signatures
The greatest political theft in history. And we suffer.

If spinless, gutless Republicans continue to aid and abet the  treasonous Democrats, they will go the way of the Whig party. Oh, the irony. That's how the Republican party was born with ...

Post-ABC Poll: Biden Hits Record-Low Approval Rating
President Biden's poll numbers continue to tank. Even when taken by Democrat Party favouring polls. Massive inflation, a stagnant economy, high crime, open boarders, and the stability of the world in a total freefall. There is no way that 37% of ...

Covid ‘Stimulus’ Screwed Americans While Boosting The Rich
“We may seriously begin to ask if leftwing America is a massive oligarchy cloaked in identity politics.'

The left hates you.

How Pandemic-Era ‘Stimulus’ Screwed Americans While Boosting The Rich

By: Joe Popularis, The Federalist, ...

Sunni-Shi’a Jihad Comes to the University of Connecticut
While all eyes are fixed on Ukraine and wondering if Dementia Joe is going to back our woke, distracted military into World War III, a telling incident at the University of Connecticut demonstrated a feature of our glorious multicultural mosaic ...

UPDATED: Israel WILL Condemn Russia at UN
UPDATED: Israel WILL Condemn Russia at UN

Foreign Minister Yair Lapid announced Monday that Israel will vote to condemn Russia at the UN General Assembly, thus joining many countries that are expected to do so as well.

“Israel has been ...

Biden Administration Kills Israel-to-Europe Gas Pipeline in yet another gift to Russia’s energy sector
Few in the mainstream media are reporting on this terrible decision made by the Biden Administration. Biden killing the Israel-to-Europe pipeline was another gift to Russia's energy sector by the Biden Administration. The EastMed pipeline would ...
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