Get Engaged! Tell the Police Commission to Reject Dangerous Stop Policy Dear Members, Tomorrow, the LA Police Commission will vote to effectively end pretext stops, taking away a valuable tool to keep guns, drugs, and repeat offenders off the streets. We need you to get engaged so the perspective of LAPD officers is heard. Otherwise, it will be the usual anti-police voices purporting to represent the entire community. There are two ways you can help. First, we need you to speak publicly at the Police Commission meeting and voice your opposition to changing the current pretext policy. The meeting starts at 9:30 AM and the information to log on or call is below. Second, you can send an email to the Police Commission if you have not already done so. Scroll down for directions on how to email. Speak Virtually or By Phone at Police Commission Meeting You can participate in tomorrow's Police Commission meeting and provide comments when the Commission takes up the car stop policy, Agenda Item 5A. Instructions are in the image below. If you are going to participate via Zoom, click this link. The Webinar ID is 289-225-944. Reminder, the meeting starts at 9:30 AM. EMAIL The Police Commission Click the image below to send an email to the entire Police Commission. This will take you no more than 2 minutes. Now is the time to speak up and be heard. It's important that the Commissioners know that if they approve this reckless policy, they do so over the large objection of the actual officers who risk their lives daily to protect our city. Very truly yours, BOARD OF DIRECTORS Los Angeles Police Protective League LA Police Protective League | 1308 West Eighth Street, Los Angeles, CA 90017 Unsubscribe
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