Dear John,
I acknowledge your recent donation to NumbersUSA. (Thanks again!) I thought you'd nonetheless like to see this.
New Farm-Worker Amnesty Bill Would Add Hundreds of Thousands Low-Skilled Workers to Crush American Wages
H.R. 4916 would create a brand new underclass amounting to indentured servants
Dear John,
Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), Chairman of the House Immigration subcommittee, has introduced a bi-partisan H.R. 4916, a bill that would AMNESTY HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS illegal alien farm workers and their families. I desperately need your help to stop this bill before it becomes unstoppable.
Image: Stop Zoe Lofgren's radical amnesty plan for 100s of 1,000s of low-skilled workers to CRUSH American wages. Donate Today
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See for yourself how this truly terrible bill would:
Grant amnesty to hundreds of thousands of illegal alien ag workers and their families;
Knock American workers out of their jobs by flooding construction, manufacturing and service occupations with competition from the amnestied ag workers as they use their new work permits to move to more attractive jobs;
Inspire untold millions more illegal aliens to pour across the border.
Because of NumbersUSA and our vast following of citizen activists, NO AMNESTIES HAVE PASSED CONGRESS IN THIS CENTURY! But that could change SOON unless we fight like wildcats. This bill has bipartisan support in the House. It's a genuine threat.
We need your support. If you're even thinking about helping us, please do it now. This is a special need.
PLEASE GIVE TODAY [link removed]
You can now pay by Paypal or credit card directly on our web page.
Here's how NumbersUSA's Director of Government Relations Rosemary Jenks described the amnesty portion of the bill to Members of Congress:
"H.R. 4916 would give amnestyincluding work permits, green cards, and a path to citizenshipto illegal aliens who have been unlawfully employed in agriculture at least part time during the past two years. In fact, illegal aliens who spent just most weekends working in agriculture over two years would qualify, since only 1,035 hours or 180 workdays are required."
Another part of H.R. 4916 would create a brand new underclass. Current illegal aliens farm workers would have to work four to eight years as what would amount to indentured servants before qualifying for amnesty for themselves and their families.
Once the farm workers get the amnesty, they would be free to take any job in America. Since we are talking about hundreds of thousands of new green card holders, mostly earning super low wages, TONS of Americans would lose their meager incomes and be forced to go on public assistance.
On top of that, an additional 40,000 new green cards each year would be issued for unskilled workers who have or could work in agricultural or seasonal jobs -- to work in ANY job they can get in America.
I realize this bill is complicated to take in with one short email. Please check our website for all the bill details and for sending your message to Congress.
Ag businesses don't need an amnesty to fill its jobs. The ones that beg for amnesties are the ones that have built up an illegal work force and refuse to use the federal visa program that allows them to recruit UNLIMITED NUMBERS of foreign workers who come for a LIMITED TIME.
We need all hands on deck!
H.R. 4916 is a bipartisan bill, with nearly equal numbers of Republican and Democrat cosponsors so far. Unless we block it, it will pass overwhelmingly in the House. Plus, we cannot simply rely on a Republican Senate to block this. Think about the 2013-2014 Senate Gang of Eight amnesty bill. PLENTY of Senate Republicans were eager to grant amnesty. Who knows what they may bargain away.
John, please do not take this threat lightly!
We must make sure that they know their constituents see this for what it is: a massive amnesty bill.
How many messages do you think it will take to convince Congress to reject this amnesty? 10,000? 100,000? 500,000? We've proven that a Congress dead-set on passing an amnesty will reconsider in the face of massive opposition. We've established relationships with millions of voters. But to reach them, to get them to send messages to Congress in a timely manner when they are most needed, and actually pay for those messages, it's going to cost a small fortune.
It's more costly than ever to reach Congress. Many in Congress have purposely made it very hard to send messages to them. Now phone call banks have to burn up the Capitol Hill phone lines -- expensive! Those in Congress know that once you and all the other voters have caught on that this indentured servitude bill for Big Ag is going to backstab the rest of America, the jig is almost up! (And that's how we win!)
We can do this again, but we need your help!
PLEASE GIVE TODAY [link removed]
You can now pay by Paypal or credit card directly on our web page.
You can donate three ways:
1) Give via our web page, using your credit card or Paypal. [link removed]
2) Check -- see the instructions and a form to print out and send with your check.
3) Call (703) 816-8820 to arrange a wire transfer, stock donation, or to make a credit card donation over the phone. If our office is closed, please leave the time and your phone number and we will call back.
Keep the faith and don't ever give up!
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Jim Robb
VP Operations
P. S. Want to send me your feedback? I'm glad to hear from you at
[email protected].
P. P. S.: Remember, if you are ill, unemployed, or living on a small fixed income, please do not contribute. We only ask for help from those able to help.