Nine-year-old Masha has lived almost her entire life in a conflict zone. Masha and her five siblings endure the threat of shelling, landmines and a lack of heating and hot water every day. For children in eastern Ukraine, bravery is a necessity.
Masha is one of an entire generation of children who have grown up listening to the sound of gunfire, and now face new threats of violence and displacement, and separation from their families. The trauma they are living through has reached unimaginable heights. Not only do they need immediate help, but they will need physical, mental and emotional care for years to come.
UNICEF is working hard to provide child protection services and psychosocial care to all children in Ukraine as the crisis intensifies. But we can’t do this without your help. Please give today to help us double down on our efforts in Ukraine to reach as many children as possible with lifesaving resources, cash assistance and psychosocial support. |