Taxpayer, bumping this to the top of your inbox.
Taxpayer, bumping this to the top of your inbox in case you weren’t able to read it over the weekend.
What happened to Beagle #CIFCID is a tragedy. But we have an opportunity to make sure it never happens again.
The deadline is midnight tonight.
Kat Mattsson
Digital Marketing Assistant
White Coat Waste Project

I'm Beagle #CIFCID. I had no name. Just a government ID tattooed in my ear.

I was born in America’s most notorious puppy mill: ENVIGO.
Heartless profiteers “purpose-bred” me to DIE in painful septic shock experiments at the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

I was ripped away from my mom and stuffed into a TINY steel cage.
It was covered in URINE and FECES. My paws became bloody and infected from the cage wire.
I was never allowed outside.

Believe it or not, I was one of the “lucky” ones.
One of my siblings didn’t even survive ONE WEEK at Envigo.
She died in a drain below the kennels.

Envigo finally shipped me to the NIH to become a lab specimen for protocol #CCM 19-01.
That’s when the real torture began.

NIH white coats SLICED INTO MY THROAT and shoved a tube down my neck. They injected deadly pneumonia-causing bacteria straight into my lungs.
I suffered horribly for 96 hours while my organs failed.
I went into SEPTIC SHOCK. Then I DIED.

Some of my friends survived the SEPTIC SHOCK experiment. Their reward? Death.

The NIH may authorize MORE tax funding for protocol #CCM 19-01 at the end of this month!

Taxpayer, White Coat Waste Project’s rapid response campaign can help BLOCK protocol #CCM 19-01 before the government’s funding deadline and save hundreds more beagles from taxpayer-funded slaughter.
When the money stops, the killing stops!
If you can afford it, please rush an emergency donation to help us put NIH protocol #CCM 19-01 in the grave.
It’s too late for Beagle #CIFCID. But it’s not too late to save his friends from excruciating septic shock deaths at the NIH.