Dear John,

Are you actually principled?

Stealing is always wrong. But do you know why? 

Most people don’t know how to prove that statement. Some people are so clever, they think they can justify stealing. 

Worse than that, some think stealing is actually necessary. 

This is because they don’t see a principle and they’re not grounded by it. 

The latest article by The Exit Network goes deeper. We typically think of a principle as our highest personal value - a thing we will always or never do. But the word principle can also mean a general scientific theorem. It’s not changed by human wishes or legislation. It’s natural and predictable.   

What if this principle made it simple and clear why stealing is always wrong? 

What if being a good person was simply recognizing and acting on this obvious natural principle? 

What is this principle? And are you one of the good people practicing it?  

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From whence come fights amongst you?
It’s easy to say, “I’m for freedom.” It might even be obvious to you that increased liberty results in increased flourishing, both for individuals and their society. 

You believe that. You preach that. You act to expand liberty. 

But the devil is in the details. 

My team and I know a lot of people in a certain activist subculture. They’re for increased liberty. They even believe they’re working for it. But instead, right now, they’re fighting with each other. 

Why? Because they don’t give a $*!# about human happiness. But if... 
  1. They understood what a principle is, then... 
  2. They recognized the gravitational truth of this principle, then... 
  3. They would recognize what being a good person means, then... 
  4. They would, together, pursue a strategy to achieve increased liberty, and... 
...their actions would be noted for their harmony. And their effectiveness would skyrocket. 

Our partners at The Exit Network have prepared a Primer on a philosophy that’s grounded in a natural principle. An entire book could be written on this subject. But you can learn the key points in the time it takes to read two editorials. 

Check out…

Human Respect in One Lesson
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The Zero Aggression Project is joining Advocates for Self-Government in promoting this piece.
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Do you practice Human Respect? 

The Advocates for Self-Government has a TEST based on this Human Respect Philosophy. Unsurprisingly, it’s called the Human Respect Test (HRT)

Remarkably, 80% of people who complete the HRT say they want to see Respect put into practice. They say this regardless of their personal ideology!  
Take the Test

Best Regards,

Mike Sertic
Advocates for Self-Government
[email protected]

p.s. Let us know what you think.


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