We are just $400 away from surpassing our end-of-month goal. And we only have just a few more hours to do it. So if you can, please make a matched donation to my campaign to help us finish this month the right way.

We are just $400 away from surpassing our end-of-month goal. And we have just a few more hours to do it. So if you can, please make a matched donation to my campaign to help us finish this month the right way.

Help us finish February strong.

- Harden Campaign HQ

--- Begin Original Message ---


Dave needs your help. This campaign has been making waves all along the Eastern Shore, but you can ensure our team stays afloat as we enter March. Can you donate just $15 to keep us on the right track?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

There are just over 24 hours left before our end-of-month deadline, and hitting this goal would propel us to a powerful start to March. Let’s put some pressure on Andy Harris and push through this fundraising deadline with positive momentum.

Chip in any amount you can today.

Donate to Dave Harden for Congress

-- Harden Campaign HQ


Dave Harden is a Democrat running for Maryland's 1st Congressional District. Dave's running to replace Andy Harris and will help the 1st District unlock its extraordinary potential. Support Dave with a donation today.

Help spread Dave's message! Forward this email to 5 friends or family and sign up to volunteer HERE.

Paid for by Harden for Congress


Harden for Congress
P.O. Box 584
Hampstead, MD 21074
United States