Bill Posey - Victory Team


Your help is needed.

You should be receiving a letter from me in your mailbox. It will give you a chance to help us fight to bring sanity and accountability to Congress in two ways:

1. Help Me Qualify For The 2020 Ballot: Please fill out a petition to help me get on the ballot in 2020, so I can continue to be a conservative and reliable voice for you in Congress.

2. Contribute To Our Efforts to Keep This Seat in Republican Hands and Retake the Republican Congressional Majority: Please consider making a small donation to help us defeat Nancy Pelosi’s liberal majority in the House that wants to lead us toward socialism and is wasting taxpayers’ time by trying to impeach President Trump. Every dollar counts in my fight to serve you and to build a conservative majority in Congress.

This is the time for Republicans all over our community to come together and take a stand. By signing a petition and contributing a small donation, you can send a strong message that not only is this a conservative area, but that we also want a Congress that listens to us and stands up for our conservative values!

Please look for the letter in your mailbox in the next couple of days.

Thank you for your help. It is greatly appreciated.


P.S. Please fill out a petition to help me get on the ballot in 2020, so I can continue to be a conservative and reliable voice for you in Congress.